- Jaime Hernandez
- December 3, 2021
- Philanthropy
Bernardsville Locals Donate $72,500 To Somerset County K-9 Unit
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SOMERSET COUNTY, NJ — Bernardsville residents Dr. Caesar DePaço and Deanna Padovani-DePaço donated $72,500 to the Somerset County Sheriff’s Office K-9 Unit.
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In a ceremony at their headquarters on Nov. 24, Somerset County Sheriff Darrin J. Russo thanked the DePaços for their very generous donation.
This donation will allow the K-9 Unit to expand by adding two additional narcotic detection dogs, along with all the costs associated for the dog’s training and their K-9 vehicles.
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Sheriff’s Officer Michael Kromar & K9 Casanova along with Correction’s Officer Danier Sof<img class=”alignright size-medium wp-image-14269″ src=”http://summitnutritionals.com/app/uploads/2021/12/Bernardsville-residents-Dr.-Caesar-DePaço-and-Deanna-Padovani-DePaço-Somerset-County-Sheriffs-Office-K-9-Unit-300×261.jpg” alt=”” width=”300″ height=”261″ />fer & K9 Caesar are currently attending the Bergen County K-9 Academy and will be graduating later this year.
“There are a lot of people who support law enforcement in many ways. Caesar and Deanna have gone above and beyond in their support of Police K-9 Units across the state. Their generous donation today has been very instrumental in providing much-needed services within the community while maintaining fiscal responsibility,” said Sheriff Russo as he presented the DePaços with Honorary Sheriff credentials along with framed Sheriff’s Office uniform in a shadowbox.
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“On Behalf of all members of the Somerset County Sheriff’s Office Corrections Division, I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank Caesar and Deanna Padovani-DePaço for their very substantial and generous donation. One of the donated K-9’s named ‘Caesar’ will be the very first K-9 assigned to the Somerset County Jail and will become an essential part of our overall security and preventative safety efforts, said Warden Paul Kaminsky of the Somerset County Jail.
K-9 Unit Sergeant Shannon Snook mentioned “the generosity by the DePaço family to the Somerset County Sheriff’s Office K9 Unit is overwhelming” as the K-9 Unit will grow from 3 officers/4 dogs to now 5 officers/6 dogs covering disciplines in Narcotic Scent Detection, Explosive Scent Detection, Human Scent Detection, Arson Scent Detection along with Patrol capabilities.
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When thanking Russo for all he has done in keeping the residents of Somerset County safe, DePaço surprised everyone in attendance by promising a donation of two additional Police K-9’s to the Sheriff’s Office at a later date.
<p style=”text-align: center;”><a href=”https://patch.com/new-jersey/baskingridge/bernardsville-locals-donate-72-500-somerset-county-k-9-unit?fbclid=IwAR0hETv4_h04yjlFaOx6BSULSzcKHdCWsJX6DQRBh6eTiNA6Rbg_WOxI1Rs” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>Link to Original Article</a></p>
2021 <a href=”https://caesardepaco.com” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>Caesar DePaço</a>
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