Droi-Kon Chondroitin Sulfate – Summit Nutritionals International
Summit Nutritionals® is proud to offer Droi-Kon® Premium 100% Chondroitin Sulfate. This specialized Raw Chondroitin Sulfate Pure Powder is manufactured by Summit Nutritionals International Inc® in the USA and offered in this effective and easy to use canine joint supplement formula. www.Droi-Kon.com www.SummitNutritionals.com
- Jaime Hernandez
- December 1, 2020
- Chondroitin Sulfate in the News
City of Deland Police Department – Certificate of Appreciation
See Original Document >
- Jaime Hernandez
- September 19, 2018
- Chondroitin Sulfate in the News
Contributions to the Hillsborough Township Police Department’s K-9 Unit
See Original Document >
- Jaime Hernandez
- September 7, 2018
- Chondroitin Sulfate in the News
DeLand P.D. adds K-9 to Police Force
The DeLand Police Department has added a furry, four-legged officer to the force.
- Jaime Hernandez
- September 6, 2018
- Chondroitin Sulfate in the News
DeLand P.D. Purchases four Bikes Through Donation
The DeLand Police Department was able to purchase four patrol bikes thanks to a donation by Dr. Caesar DePaço. These bikes will make a great addition to our police department to help our officers make our streets safer. See Original News >
- Jaime Hernandez
- September 6, 2018
- Chondroitin Sulfate in the News
HILLSBOROUGH: Committee recognizes businessman’s efforts to support law enforcement
A long-time supporter of the Hillsborough Township Police Department and his wife were recently recognized and made “honorary police officers” for their contributions to the law enforcement agency’s canine unit.
- Jaime Hernandez
- August 28, 2018
- Chondroitin Sulfate in the News
Sioux Pharm Withdrawal of Claims & Retraction of Allegations Against Summit Nutritionals International
Summit Nutritionals International, Inc of New Jersey is victorious in their legal battle against Sioux Pharm, Inc of Sioux Center, Iowa. As of October 2, 2015, Dr. Allan Kramer, President of Sioux Pharm, Inc, has formally withdrawn all claims made against Summit Nutritionals International in Case No. LACV 023704 in the District Court in and for Woodbury County, Iowa. In addition, Sioux Pharm retracts all allegations made against Summit Nutritionals International.
- Jaime Hernandez
- November 1, 2017
- Chondroitin Sulfate in the News
Flagler County Sheriff’s Office recognizes the Honorary Consul
Flagler County Sheriff’s Office recognizes the Honorary Consul of Portugal, Caesar DePaço, in Palm Coast, Florida.
- Jaime Hernandez
- August 17, 2016
- Chondroitin Sulfate in the News
- caesar consul county depaço flagler honorary office recognizes sheriff
Luso Americano – Dr. Caesar de Paço e esposa já ofereceram dezenas de unidades caninas às polícias americanas.
The Honorary Consul of Portugal in Palm Coast, Dr. Caesar DePaço and his wife, Deanna Padovani - DePaço, have generously provided numerous canine units to police departments throughout the United States. Caesar & Deanna are residents of New Jersey and own the nutritional supplement company, Summit Nutritionals International, Inc. in Branchburg, New Jersey. The couple enjoys trekking across the country equipping police departments with canines that provide protection to both the officers and the community.
- Jaime Hernandez
- October 16, 2015
- Chondroitin Sulfate in the News
- americano caesar depaço international luso nutritionals summit
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